One Community, One Street, One Family
Submit Maintenance Request
If this is a life-threatening emergency, dial 911 now!
If this is a maintenance emergency during regular office hours, call 708-747-9600.
If this is a maintenance emergency after-hours, call 708-957-6458.
View emergency maintenance definitions here.
To submit a non-emergency maintenance request, complete the form below.
Once submitted, maintenance staff will assess the request, schedule a time to complete the request or call you for more details.
Sections marked with an * are required.
What is Considered a Maintenance Emergency?
Fire - Call 911 immediately, then call us to report the incident at 708-747-9600.
No Heat - Considered an emergency only if the inside temperature is below 65°F.*
No Air Conditioning - Considered an emergency only if A/C is required for documented health reasons or if a heat emergency is declared.*
Complete Electrical Failure*
Sewer Back-up or Basement Flooding
Broken, Burst or Frozen Pipes
Completely Stopped Up Toilet*
Gas Leaks - Call Nicor immediately at 1-888-642-6748 then call us to report if repairs are necessary.
Lock-out - Proper identification required*
No Hot Water - Considered an emergency only on Saturday, Sunday and Holidays before 6pm.*
Clogged Sink - If after 4:30pm weekdays or anytime over the weekend Member wishes to have sink unclogged, Member will be charged for the plumber's hourly rate plus overtime.*
*Charges may be assessed for services rendered. Refer to your House, Grounds & Member Relations Manual for full description of each emergency. The above definitions are for convenience only.
Illegally Parked Cars, Noise Disturbances and Disorderly Conduct - Member is instructed to contact the non-emergency Park Forest police department at 708-748-4700 to report.