The winter holidays bring friends, family and food, along with decorations, presents and laughter. However, some of the aforementioned can cause damage if not properly considered before partaking.
A recent home fire in a neighboring community showed just how easy serious damage can occur while cooking if not carefully attended. Friends and family can bustle around the home, causing unknown bumps and bruises. But by far the most damaging can be the holiday decorations.
No worries, however, we've compiled a list of simple tricks you can use to decorate your Ash Street Cooperative home without restraint, while causing no harm to your walls!

Use Removeable Hooks
The greatest invention since sliced bread are 3M hooks with removeable tape. As simple as it sounds is as simple as it is to both install and remove. Instead of pounding another nail hole into your wall for a stocking or a set of ornaments, grab a pack of these removeable hooks and hang as you wish! Be sure to read the instructions carefully for ease of removal, however. They only work if done right!

Replace, Reuse and Repurpose
There always seems to be more things to hang during the holidays than we have space or available nails to do so with. A great way to move the décor vertically is to remove pictures from the wall, store temporarily (maybe in your huge co-op basement 😁) and hang using the same nail. This prevents damage from having to pop in a new nail, pre-de-clutters your space in preparation for holiday clutter and will surely put you in the holiday spirit. When the holidays are over, simply remove the festive décor, replace with your typical décor and whal'la, no damage clean up.

Wrap Pictures With Gift Paper
Another cheap, easy and especially beautiful way to make a huge impact on the look and feel of your home for the holidays without causing any damage is to wrap the pictures you have on your wall already with wrapping paper. An arrangement of pictures with alternating wrapping paper color can really enhance the look. Not only will this sparkle up your walls, but it will also keep you from having to remove, store, then rehang your regular decorations.

Replace Knick-knacks on Table Tops
Such a simple way to spruce up your housing cooperative for the holidays is to replace your everyday knick-knacks with holiday knick-knacks. Remove all items from a bookshelf or table top, set a festive cloth down over the surface, and place little trinkets that symbolize the holiday you celebrate. Whether that's a spring a pine, a snowman, nativity set, a candle menorah, a Neteru statue or a simple bowl of fruit, the idea remains the same. You honor the holiday spirit while ornamenting your space.

Decorate Houseplants
A simple strand of garland or a sprinkle of tinsel can do wonders to brighten up a standard houseplant for the holidays. If the stems/branches are strong enough, you might even choose to hang an ornament or two. Causing no damage whatsoever while adding a touch f charm to your co-op, this trick is easy, cheap and oh so much fun!

Do you have a decoration idea that adds value to your space without causing damage? Let us know on Facebook. We'd love to add your tip to this blog.
Ready to experience the joy of home ownership without all the maintenance, stress and cost of owning a single family home? Call Ash Street Cooperative today to check out our available units. Affordable, spacious and perfectly situated in the Chicago southland, Ash Street Cooperatives - the friendliest co-op in Park Forest!